Appendix 1. A Look Inside

This appendix tells about the mapping between MDL objects and PDP-10 storage -- in other words, the way things look "on the inside". None of this information is essential to knowing how to program in MDL, but it does give some reasons for capabilities and restrictions that otherwise you have to memorize. The notation and terminology get a little awkward in this discussion, because we are in a twilight zone between the worlds of MDL objects and of bit patterns. In general the words and phrases appearing in diagrams refer to bit patterns not MDL objects. A lower-case word (like "tuple") refers to the storage occupied by an object of the corresponding PRIMTYPE (like TUPLE).

First some terminology needs discussion. The sine qua non of any MDL object is a pair of 36-bit computer words. In general, lists consist of pairs chained together by pointers (addresses), and vectors consist of contiguous blocks of pairs. ==? essentially tests two pairs to see whether they contain the same bit patterns.

The first (lower-addressed) word of a pair is called the TYPE word, because it contains a numeric TYPE code that represents the object's TYPE. The second (higher-addressed) word of a pair is called the value word, because it contains (part of or the beginning of) the "data part" of the object. The TYPE word (and sometimes the value word) is considered to be made of a left half and a right half. We will picture a pair like this:

|      TYPE     |               |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|             value             |

where a vertical bar in the middle of a word means the word's halves are used independently. You can see that the TYPE code is confined to the left half of the TYPE word. (Half-)words are sometimes subdivided into fields appropriate for the context; fields are also pictured as separated by vertical bars. The right half of the TYPE word is used for different purposes depending on the TYPE of the object and actual location of the value.

Actually the 18-bit TYPE field is further decoded. The high-order (leftmost) bit is the mark bit, used exclusively by the garbage collector when it runs. The next two bits are monitor bits, used to cause "READ" and "WRITE" interrupts on read and write references to the pair. The next bit is used to differentiate between list elements and vector dope words. The next bit is unused but could be used in the future for an "execute" monitor. The remaining 13 bits specify the actual TYPE code. What CHTYPE does is to copy the pair and put a new TYPE code into the new pair.

Each data TYPE (predefined and NEWTYPEs) must belong to one of about 25 "storage allocation classes" (roughly corresponding to MDL PRIMTYPEs). These classes are characterized primarily by the manner in which the garbage collector treats them. Some of these classes will now be described.

"One Word"

This class includes all data that are not pointers to some kind of structure. All external (program-available) TYPEs in this class are of PRIMTYPE WORD. Example:

|       FIX     |       0       |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|              105              |

"Two Word"

The members of this class are all 18-bit pointers to list elements. All external TYPEs in this class are of PRIMTYPE LIST. Example:

|      LIST     |       0       |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|       0       |    pointer    |

where pointer is a pointer to the first list element. If there are no elements, pointer is zero; thus empty objects of PRIMTYPE LIST are ==? if their TYPEs are the same.

"Two N Word"

Members of this class are all "counting pointers" to blocks of two-word pairs. The right half of a counting pointer is an address, and the left half is the negative of the number of 36-bit words in the block. (This format is tailored to the PDP-10 AOBJN instruction.) The number of pairs in the block (LENGTH) is half that number, since each pair is two words. All external TYPEs in this class are of PRIMTYPE VECTOR. Example:

|     VECTOR    |       0       |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   -2*length   |    pointer    |

where length is the LENGTH of the VECTOR and pointer is the location of the start (the element selected by an NTH argument of 1) of the VECTOR.

"N word"

This class is the same as the previous one, except that the block contains objects all of the same TYPE without individual TYPE words. The TYPE code for all the elements is in vector dope words, which are at addresses just larger than the block itself. Thus, any object that carries information in its TYPE word cannot go into the block: PRIMTYPEs STRING, BYTES, TUPLE (and the corresponding locatives LOCS, LOCB, LOCA), FRAME, and LOCD. All external TYPEs in this class are of PRIMTYPE UVECTOR. Example:

|    UVECTOR    |       0       |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|    -length    |    pointer    |

where length is the LENGTH of the UVECTOR and pointer points to the beginning of the UVECTOR.

"Byte String" and "Character String"

These two classes are almost identical. Byte strings are byte pointers to strings of arbitrary-size bytes. PRIMTYPE BYTES is the only member of this class. Character strings are byte pointers to strings of ASCII characters. PRIMTYPE STRING is the only member of this class. Both of these classes consist of a length and a PDP-10 byte pointer. In the case of character strings, the byte-size field in the byte pointer is always seven bits per byte (hence five bytes per word). Example:

|     STRING    |    length     |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|         byte-pointer          |

where length is the LENGTH of the STRING (in bytes) and byte-pointer points to a byte just before the beginning of the string (an ILDB instruction is needed to get the first byte). A newly-created STRING always has *010700* in the left half of byte-pointer. Unless the string was created by SPNAME, byte-pointer points to a uvector, where the elements (characters) of the STRING are stored, packed together five to a word.


This class gives the user program a handle on its control and variable-reference structures. All external TYPEs in this class are of PRIMTYPE FRAME. Three numbers are needed to designate a frame: a unique 18-bit identifying number, a pointer to the frame's storage on a control stack, and a pointer to the PROCESS associated with the frame. Example:

|     FRAME     |PROCESS-pointer|
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   unique-id   | frame-pointer |

where PROCESS-pointer points to the dope words of a PROCESS vector, and unique-id is used for validating (testing LEGAL?) the frame-pointer, which points to a frame for some Subroutine call on the control stack.


A tuple pointer is a counting pointer to a vector on the control stack. It may be a pointer to the arguments to a Subroutine or a pointer generated by the "TUPLE" declaration in a FUNCTION. Like objects in the previous class, these objects contain a unique identifying number used for validation. PRIMTYPE TUPLE is the only member of this class. Example:

|     TUPLE     |   unique-id   |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|   -2*length   |    pointer    |

Other Storage Classes

The rest of the storage classes include strictly internal TYPEs and pointers to special kinds of lists and vectors like locatives, ATOMs and ASOCs. A pair for any LOCATIVE except a LOCD looks like a pair for the corresponding structure, except of course that the TYPE is different. A LOCD pair looks like a tuple pair and needs a word and a half for its value; the unique-id refers to a binding on the control stack or to the "global stack" if zero. Thus LOCDs are in a sense "stack objects" and are more restricted than other locatives.

An OFFSET is stored with the INDEX in the right half of the value word and the Pattern in the left half. Since the Pattern can be either an ATOM or a FORM, the left half actually points to a pair, which points to the actual Pattern. The Pattern ANY is recognized as a special case: the left-half pointer is zero, and no pair is used. Thus, if you're making the production version of your program and want to save some storage, can do something like <SETG FOO <PUT-DECL ,FOO ANY>> for all OFFSETs.

Basic Data Structures


List elements are pairs linked together by the right halves of their first words. The list is terminated by a zero in the right half of the last pair. For example the LIST (1 2 3) would look like this:

| LIST | 0  |
| - - - - - |   -----------     -----------     -----------
|  0   | ------>| FIX | ------->| FIX | ------->| FIX | 0 |
-------------   | - - - - |     | - - - - |     | - - - - |
                |    1    |     |    2    |     |    3    |
                -----------     -----------     -----------

The use of pointers to tie together elements explains why new elements can be added easily to a list, how sharing and circularity work, etc. The links go in only one direction through the list, which is why a list cannot be BACKed or TOPped: there's no way to find the RESTed elements.

Since some MDL values require a word and a half for the value in the pair, they do not fit directly into list elements. This problem is solved by having "deferred pointers". Instead of putting the datum directly into the list element, a pointer to another pair is used as the value with the special internal TYPE DEFER, and the real datum is put in the deferred pair. For example the LIST (1 "hello" 3) would look like this:

| LIST | 0  |
| - - - - - |   -----------     -----------     -----------
|  0   | ------>| FIX | ------->|DEFER| ------->| FIX | 0 |
-------------   | - - - - |     | - - - - |     | - - - - |
                |    1    |     |       -----   |    3    |
                -----------     ----------- |   -----------
                                ----------- |
                                |STRING| 5|<-
                                | - - - - |


A vector is a block of contiguous words. More than one pair can point to the block, possibly at different places in the block; this is how sharing occurs among vectors. Pointers that are different arise from REST or GROW/BACK operations. The block is followed by two "dope words", at addresses just larger than the largest address in the block. Dope words have the following format:

/                               /
|                               |
|                               |
|      type     |      grow     |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     length    |       gc      |

The various fields have the following meanings:

type -- The fourth bit from the left (the "vector bit", 40000 octal) is always one, to distinguish these vector dope words from a TYPE/value pair.

If the high-order bit is zero, then the vector is a UVECTOR, and the remaining bits specify the uniform TYPE of the elements. CHUTYPE just puts a new TYPE code in this field. Each element is limited to a one-word value: clearly PRIMTYPE STRINGs and BYTESes and stack objects can't go in uniform vectors.

If the high-order bit is one and the TYPE bits are zero, then this is a regular VECTOR.

If the high-order bit is one and the TYPE bits are not all zero, then this is either an ATOM, a PROCESS, an ASOC, or a TEMPLATE. The special internal format of these objects will be described a little later in this appendix.

length -- The high-order bit is the mark bit, used by the garbage collector. The rest of this field specifies the number of words in the block, including the dope words. This differs from the length given in pairs pointing to this vector, since such pairs may be the result of REST operations.

grow -- This is actually two nine-bit fields, specifying either growth or shrinkage at both the high and low ends of the vector. The fields are usually set only when a stack must be grown or shrunk.

gc -- This is used by the garbage collector to specify where this vector is moving during compaction.

Examples (numbers in octal): the VECTOR [1 "bye" 3] looks like:

| VECTOR |  0 |
| - - - - - - |         -----------------
|   -6   |  ----------->|  FIX  |       |
---------------         | - - - - - - - |
                        |       1       |
                        | STRING |  3   |
                        | - - - - - - - |
                        |  byte pointer |
                        |  FIX  |       |
                        | - - - - - - - |
                        |       3       |
                        | 440000 |  0   |
                        | - - - - - - - |
                        |   10   |      |

The UVECTOR ![-1 7 -4!] looks like:

| UVECTOR | 0 |
| - - - - - - |         -----------------
|   -3    | ----------->|       -1      |
---------------         -----------------
                        |        7      |
                        |       -4      |
                        | 40000+FIX | 0 |
                        | - - - - - - - |
                        |   5       |   |


Internally, atoms are special vector-like objects. An atom contains a value cell (the first two words of the block, filled in whenever the global or local value of the ATOM is referenced and is not already there), an OBLIST pointer, and a print name (PNAME), in the following format:

|      type     |     bindid    |
|       pointer-to-value        |
|       pointer-to-oblist       |
|           print-name          |
/                               /
/                               /
|(ASCII with NUL padding on end)|
|      ATOM     |   valid-type  |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|     length    |       gc      |

If the type field corresponds to TYPE UNBOUND, then the ATOM is locally and globally unbound. (This is different from a pair, where the same TYPE UNBOUND is used to mean unassigned.) If it corresponds to TYPE LOCI (an internal TYPE), then the value cell points either to the global stack, if bindid is zero, or to a local control stack, if bindid is non-zero. The bindid field is used to verify whether the local value pointed to by the value cell is valid in the current environment. The pointer-to-OBLIST is either a counting pointer to an oblist (uvector). a positive offset into the "transfer vector" (for pure ATOMs), or zero, meaning that this ATOM is not on an OBLIST. The valid-type field tells whether or not the ATOM represents a TYPE and if so the code for that TYPE: grow values are never needed for atoms.


Associations are also special vector-like objects. The first six words of the block contain TYPE/value pairs for the ITEM, INDICATOR and AVALUE of the ASOC. The next word contains forward and backward pointers in the chain for that bucket of the association hash table. The last word contains forward and backward pointers in the chain of all the associations.

|             ITEM              |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|             pair              |
|          INDICATOR            |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|             pair              |
|            AVALUE             |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|             pair              |
|     bucket-chain-pointers     |
|  association-chain-pointers   |
|      ASOC     |       0       |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|    12 octal   |       gc      |


A PROCESS vector looks exactly like a vector of TYPE/value pairs. It is different only in that the garbage collector treats it differently from a normal vector, and it contains extremely volatile information when the PROCESS is RUNNING.


In a template, the number in the type field (left half or first dope word) identifies to which "storage allocation class" this TEMPLATE belongs, and it is used to find PDP-10 instructions in internal tables (frozen uvectors) for performing LENGTH, NTH, and PUT operations on any object of this TYPE. The programs to build these tables are not part of the interpreter, but the interpreter does know how to use them properly. The compiler can put these instructions directly in compiled programs if a TEMPLATE is never RESTed; otherwise it must let the interpreter discover the appropriate instruction. The value word of a template pair contains, not a counting pointer, but the number of elements that have been RESTed off in the left half and a pointer to the first dope word in the right half.

The Control Stack

Accumulators with symbolic names AB, TB, and TP are all pointers into the RUNNING PROCESS's control stack. AB ("argument base") is a pointer to the arguments to the Subroutine now being run. It is set up by the Subroutine-call mediator, and its old value is always restored after a mediated Subroutine call returns. TB ("temporaries base") points to the frame for the running Subroutine and also serves as a stack base pointer. The TB pointer is really all that is necessary to return from a Subroutine -- given a value to return, for example by ERRET -- since the frame specifies the entire state of the calling routine. TP ("temporaries pointer") is the actual stack pointer and always points to the current top of the control stack.

While we're on the subject of accumulators, we might as well be complete. Each accumulator contains the value word of a pair, the corresponding TYPE words residing in the RUNNING PROCESS vector. When a PROCESS is not RUNNING (or when the garbage collector is running), the accumulator contents are stored in the vector, so that the Objects they point to look like elements of the PROCESS and thus are not garbage-collectible.

Accumulators A, B, C, D, E and O are used almost entirely as scratch accumulators, and they are not saved or restored across Subroutine calls. Of course the interrupt machinery always saves these and all other accumulators. A and B are used to return a pair as the value of a Subroutine call. Other than that special feature, they are just like the other scratch accumulators.

M and R are used in running RSUBRs. M is always set up to point to the start of the RSUBR's code, which is actually just a uniform vector of instructions. All jumps and other references to the code use M as an index register. This makes the code location-insensitive, which is necessary because the code uvector will move around. R is set up to point to the vector of objects needed by the RSUBR. This accumulator is necessary because objects in garbage-collected space can move around, but the pointers to them in the reference vector are always at the same place relative to its beginning.

FRM is the internal frame pointer, used in compiled code to keep track of pending Subroutine calls when the control stack is heavily used. P is the internal-stack pointer, used primarily for internal calls in the interpreter.

One of the nicest features of the MDL environment is the uniformity of the calling and returning sequence. All Subroutines -- both built-in F/SUBRs and compiled RSUBR(-ENTRY)s -- are called in exactly the same way and return the same way. Arguments are always passed on the control stack and results always end up in the same accumulators. For efficiency reasons, a lot of internal calls within the interpreter circumvent the calling sequence. However, all calls made by the interpreter when running user programs go through the standard calling sequence.

A Subroutine call is initiated by one of three UUOs (PDP-10 instructions executed by software rather than hardware). MCALL ("MDL call") is used when the number of arguments is known at assemble or compile time, and this number is less than 16. QCALL ("quick call") may be used if, in addition, an RSUBR(-ENTRY) is being called that can be called "quickly" by virtue of its having special information in its reference vector. ACALL ("accumulator call") is used otherwise. The general method of calling a Subroutine is to PUSH (a PDP-10 instruction) pairs representing the arguments onto the control stack via TP and then either (1) MCALL or QCALL or (2) put the number of arguments into an accumulator and ACALL. Upon return the object returned by the Subroutine will be in accumulators A and B, and the arguments will have been POPped off the control stack.

The call mediator stores the contents of P and TP and the address of the calling instruction in the current frame (pointed to by TB). It also stores MDL's "binding pointer" to the topmost binding in the control stack. (The bindings are linked together through the control stack so that searching through them is more efficient than looking at every object on the stack.) This frame now specifies the entire state of the caller when the call occurred. The mediator then builds a new frame on the control stack and stores a pointer back to the caller's frame (the current contents of TB), a pointer to the Subroutine being called, and the new contents of AB, which is a counting pointer to the arguments and is computed from the information in the MCALL or QCALL instruction or the ACALL accumulator. TB is then set up to point to the new frame, and its left half is incremented by one, making a new unique-id. The mediator then transfers control to the Subroutine.

A control stack frame has seven words as shown:

|     ENTRY     |  called-addr  |
|   unique-id   |  prev frame   |
|       argument pointer        |
|    saved binding pointer      |
|           saved P             |
|           saved TP            |
|    saved calling address      |

The first three words are set up during the call to the Subroutine. The rest are filled in when this routine calls another Subroutine. The left half of TB is incremented every time a Subroutine call occurs and is used as the unique-id for the frame, stored in frame and tuple pairs as mentioned before. Obviously this id is not strictly unique, since each 256K calls it wraps around to zero. The right half of TB is always left pointing one word past the saved-calling-address word in the frame. TP is also left pointing at that word, since that is the top of the control stack at Subroutine entry. The arguments to the called Subroutine are below the frame on the control stack (at lower storage addresses), and the temporaries for the called Subroutine are above the frame (at higher storage addresses). These arguments and temporaries are just pairs stored on the control stack while needed: they are all that remain of UNSPECIAL values in compiled programs.

The following figure shows what the control stack might look like after several Subroutine calls.

/               /
|               |
|               |
|  args for S1  |
|               |
| frame for S1  |
----------------- <--
|               |   |
| temps for S1  |   |
|               |   |
-----------------   |
|               |   |
|  args for S2  |   |
|               |   |
-----------------   |
| frame for S2  | ---
----------------- <------
|               |       |
| temps for S2  |       |
|               |       |
-----------------       |
|  args for S3  |       |
-----------------       |
| frame for S3  | -------
|               |
| temps for S3  |
|               |
|               |

The above figure shows the frames all linked together through the control stack (the "execution path"), so that it is easy to return to the caller of a given Subroutine (ERRET or RETRY).

Subroutine exit is accomplished simply by the call mediator, which loads the right half of TB from the previous frame pointer, restores the "binding pointer", P, and TP, and transfers control back to the instruction following the saved calling address.

Variable Bindings

All local ATOM values are kept on the control stack of the PROCESS to which they are local. As described before, the atom contains a word that points to the value on the control stack. The pointer is actually to a six-word "binding block" on the control stack. Binding blocks have the following format:

| BIND or UBIND |      prev     |
|        pointer to ATOM        |
|             value             |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
|             pair              |
|     decl      |   unique-id   |
|       previous-binding        |


  • BIND means this is a binding for a SPECIAL ATOM (the only kind used by compiled programs), and UBIND means this is a binding for an UNSPECIAL ATOM -- for SPECIAL checking by the interpreter;
  • prev points to the closest previous binding block for any ATOM (the "access path" -- UNWIND objects are also linked in this chain);
  • decl points to a DECL associated with this value, for SET(LOC) to check;
  • unique-id is used for validation of this block; and
  • previous-binding points to the closest previous binding for this ATOM (used in unbinding).

Bindings are generated by an internal subroutine called SPECBIND (name comes from SPECIAL). The caller to SPECBIND PUSHes consecutive six-word blocks onto the control stack via TP before calling SPECBIND. The first word of each block contains the TYPE code for ATOM in its left half and all ones in its right half. SPECBIND uses this bit pattern to identify the binding blocks. SPECBIND's caller also fills in the next three words and leaves the last two words empty. SPECBIND fills in the rest and leaves the "binding pointer" pointing at the topmost binding on the control stack. SPECBIND also stores a pointer to the current binding in the value cell of the atom.

Unbinding is accomplished during Subroutine return. When the previous frame is being restored, the call mediator checks to see if the saved "binding pointer" and the current one are different; if they are, SPECSTORE is called. SPECSTORE runs through the binding blocks, restoring old value pointers in atoms until the "binding pointer" is equal to the one saved in the frame.

Obviously variable binding is more complicated than this, because ATOMs can have both local and global values and even different local values in different PROCESSes. The solution to all of these additional problems lies in the bindid field of the atom. Each PROCESS vector also contains a current bindid. Whenever an ATOM's local value is desired, the RUNNING PROCESS's bindid is checked against that of the atom: if they are the same, the atom points to the current value; if not, the current PROCESS's control stack must be searched to find a binding block for this ATOM. This binding scheme might be called "shallow binding". The searching is facilitated by having all binding blocks linked together. Accessing global variables is accomplished in a similar way, using a VECTOR that is referred to as the "global stack". The global stack has only an ATOM and a value slot for each variable, since global values never get rebound.

EVAL with respect to a different environment causes some additional problems. Whenever this kind of EVAL is done, a brand new bindid is generated, forcing all current local value cells of atoms to appear invalid. Local values must now be obtained by searching the control stack, which is inefficient compared to just pulling them out of the atoms. (The greatest inefficiency occurs when an ATOM's LVAL is never accessed twice in a row in the same environment.) A special block is built on the control stack and linked into the binding-block chain. This block is called a "skip block" or "environment splice", and it diverts the "access path" to the new environment, causing searches to become relative to this new environment.