
The MDL programming language began existence in late 1970 (under the name Muddle) as a successor to Lisp (Moon, 1974), a candidate vehicle for the Dynamic Modeling System, and a possible base for implementation of Planner (Hewitt, 1969). The original design goals included an interactive integrated environment for programming, debugging, loading, and editing: ease in learning and use; facilities for structured, modular, shared programs; extensibility of syntax, data types and operators: data-type checking for debugging and optional data-type declarations for compiled efficiency; associative storage, coroutining, and graphics. Along the way to reaching those goals, it developed flexible input/output (including the ARPA Network), and flexible interrupt and signal handling. It now serves as a base for software prototyping, research, development, education, and implementation of the majority of programs at MIT-DMS: a library of sharable modules, a coherent user interface, special research projects, autonomous daemons, etc.

This document was originally intended to be a simple low-level introduction to MDL. It has, however, acquired a case of elephantiasis and now amounts to a discursive description of the whole interpreter, as realized in MDL release numbers 55 (ITS version) and 105 (Tenex and Tops-20 versions). (Significant changes from the previous edition are marked in the margin.) A low-level introduction may still be had by restricting one's attention to specially-marked sections only. The scope of the document is confined as much as possible to the interpreter itself. Other adjuncts (compiler, assembler, pre-loaded user programs, library) are mentioned as little as possible, despite their value in promoting the language seen by a user from "basic survival" to "comfortable living". Indeed, MDL could not fulfill the above design goals without the compiler, assembler, structure editor, control-stack printer, context printer, pretty-printer, dynamic loader, and library system -- all of which are not part of the interpreter but programs written in MDL and symbiotic with one another. Further information on these adjuncts can be found in Lebling's (1979) document.


I was not a member of the original group which labored for two years in the design and initial implementation of Muddle; that group was composed principally of Gerald Sussman, Carl Hewit, Chris Reeve, Dave Cressey, and later Bruce Daniels. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank my Muddle mentors, chiefly Chris Reeve and Bruce Daniels, for remaining civil through several months of verbal badgering. I believe that I learned more than "just another programming language" in learning Muddle, and I am grateful for this opportunity to pass on some of that knowledge. What I cannot pass on is the knowledge gained by using Muddle as a system; that I can only ask you to share.

For editing the content of this document and correcting some misconceptions, I would like to thank Chris Reeve, Bruce Daniels, and especially Gerald Sussman, one of whose good ideas I finally did use.

Greg Pfister
December 15, 1972

Since Greg left the fold, I have taken up the banner and updated his document. The main sources for small revisions have been the on-line file of changes to MDL, for which credit goes to Neal Ryan as well as Reeve and Daniels, and the set of on-line abstracts for interpreter Subroutines, contributed by unnamed members of the Programming Technology Division. Some new sections were written almost entirely by others: Dave Lebling wrote chapter 14 and appendix 3, Jim Michener section 14.3, Reeve chapter 19 and appendix 1, Daniels and Reeve appendix 2. Brian Berkowitz section 22.7, Tak To section 17.2.2, and Ryan section 17.1.3. Sue Pitkin did the tedious task of marking phrases in the manuscript for indexing. Pitts Jarvis and Jack Haverty advised on the use of PUB and the XGP. Many PTD people commented helpfully on a draft version.

My task has been to impose some uniformity and structure on these diverse resources (so that the result sounds less like a dozen hackers typing at a dozen terminals for a dozen days) and to enjoy some of the richness of MDL from the inside. I especially thank Chris Reeve ("the oracle") for the patience to answer questions and resolve doubts, as he no doubt as done innumerable times before.

S. W. Galley
May 23, 1979

This work was supported by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense and was monitored by the Office of Naval Research under contract N00014-75-C-0661.

This document was prepared using the PUB system (originally from the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory) and printed on the Xerox Graphics Printer of the M.I.T. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.


Trying to explain MDL to an uninitiate is somewhat like trying to untie a Gordian knot. Whatever topic one chooses to discuss first, full discussion of it appears to imply discussion of everything else. What follows is a discursive presentation of MDL in an order apparently requiring the fewest forward references. It is not perfect in that regard; however, if you are patient and willing to accept a few, stated things as "magic" until they can be explained better, you will probably not have too many problems understanding what is going on.

There are no "practice problems"; you are assumed to be learning MDL for some purpose, and your work in achieving that purpose will be more useful and motivating than artificial problems. In several cases, the examples contain illustrations of important points which are not covered in the text. Ignore examples at your peril.

This document does not assume knowledge of any specific programming language on your part. However, "computational literacy" is assumed: you should have written at least one program before. Also very little familiarity is assumed with the interactive time-sharing operating systems under which Muddle runs -- ITS, Tenex, and Tops-20 -- namely just file and user naming conventions.


Sections marked [1] are recommended for any uninitiate's first reading, in lieu of a separate introduction for MDL. [On first reading, text within brackets like these should be ignored.]

Most specifically indicated examples herein are composed of pairs of lines. The first line of a pair, the input, always ends in $ (which is how the ASCII character ESC is represented, and which always represents it). The second line is the result of MDL's groveling over the first. If you were to type all the first lines at MDL, it would respond with all the second lines. (More exactly, the "first line" is one or more objects in MDL followed by $, and the "second line" is everything up to the next "first line".)

Anything which is written in the MDL language or which is typed on a computer terminal appears herein in a fixed width font, as in ROOT. A metasyntactic variable -- something to be replaced in actual use by something else -- appears as radix:fix, in an italic font; often the variable will have both a meaning and a data type (as here), but sometimes one of those will be ommitted, for obvious reasons.

An ellipsis (...) indicates that something uninteresting has been omitted. The character ^ means that the following character is to be "controllified": it is usually typed by holding down a terminal's CTRL key and striking the other key.